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Our Services

Integrated logistics, information on available stocks… A complete and evolving range of solutions to meet the needs of our customers and make Flexmob the ideal wholesaler for your business.

Entrepôt Flexmob

Integrated logistics

In partnership with VANMIEGHEM LOGISTICS, we offer a fully integrated logistics from A to Z, allowing us to adapt to the market conditions of our sectors of activity and the requests of our customers: seasonality of products, delivery in warehouse, in store or at home, dropshipping,…

Delivery everywhere in Europe

We work in partnership with the major players in the transport market (Vanmieghem, Dachser, DSV, Geodis) and can deliver our customers anywhere in Europe at very competitive rates. Our packaging is also specially designed to withstand the constraints of today’s transport.

A dedicated sales team

A sales team is at your disposal to advise you, inform you and provide you with information from Monday to Thursday from 8:30am to 12pm & 1:30pm to 5pm and on Friday from 8:30am to 12pm & 1:30pm to 3pm.


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